The Wellness Blog
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The Plastic Crisis Solution

Are Whole House Water Filters Really Worth It?
Most people think that chemistry-based whole house water filters are essential for eliminating toxins from your water. But there is new science to consider: structured water can control toxins in water.

Should I Add Minerals to My Water?
Minerals, a missing link to optimal health

Structured Water Comparison – AQUA ENERGIZER™, UMH, Natural Action* and VitaJuwel
*“Natural Action” and “Natural Action Technologies” and their logo are trademarks of Natural Action Technologies. The Wellness Enterprise Inc is no longer an authorized dealer of Natural Action Technologies products and we are now a competitor.

Water is Simply Love
Think of water as a living being, an entity that lives life with you, for you, within and around you… water surrounds you with love, expecting nothing from you, and the only thing it wants it’s to see you thrive. Isn’t that the highest expression of love?

Nature is Not Something you Go To, You Are Nature
We are connected to everything surrounding us. The moment we understand that we are not separated beings with Earth and Nature, we’ll witness the healing of the planet. When we understand that we are not throwing plastic water bottles to the ocean, but to ourselves, our habits will change.

Hydration 2 Optimization: Creating a Plan
We might not notice it but our environments are very dehydrating. We spend most of our days in front of a computer, without moving and so immersed in the daily activities that we barely notice we’re thirsty or tired, some of the signs of dehydration. If, as Gina Bria from the Hydration Foundation says “8 glasses a day is not the way”, then How to stay hydrated?

How Do Water Filters Work
There are many aspects to water filtration and it’s normal to be confused given the number of offers in the market. Learn about the ABC’s of water filtration and how can Structured Water devices are game changers.