If you stumbled upon this blog, you must be having a problem with your water. Is it bad taste? Maybe you’re concerned about the contaminants in your water. Perhaps is the odor in your water the one that concerns you. This article is going to give you a quick overview of how do water filters work, and it’s going to share with you the ABC of water filtration to help you decide what type of filter will solve your problem.
Choosing The Optimal Drinking Water for Your Body Can Look Like a Complicated Mess
There are thousands of water filter brands and a wide variety of technologies to address different water problems. We arranged a short but sweet list of the most common types of water filters, what they are for, and how do they work.
Charcoal Filters – low cost, widely used
KDF Filter Media – handles heavy metals, hot water
Sediment Filters – helps well water, prolongs 2nd filter
Water Distillers – uses energy, slow production, removes minerals
Ceramic Filters – preffered by campers, hikers
Reverse Osmosis – removes everything, creates waste water
Atmospheric Water Generator – uses energy, off-grid applications
Ultraviolet Water Filters – destroys germs, limited bulb lifespan
Magnetic Water Filters – reshapes water minerals with magnets
Infra Red Water Filters – passively reshapes water structure
Catalytic Water Filters – uses resin bead coatings, to target specific toxins
Alkaline Water Ionizers – adds milli-volt charge to water and minerals, shifts pH
Bottled Water – is expensive, has questionable sources, landfills plastic
Home-made Water Filters – for survival
Working through the complications of all of these technologies led us to create the ABC’s of Water Filtration. This simple concept will help you to see that not all water is created equal.
The ABC’S of Water Filtration
A: Aesthetics
Has to do with what you can smell and taste. This is an important component of water filtration because if people don’t enjoy the taste of their water they will very likely choose something else. (Think of an unfiltered public water fountain and the likelihood of you drinking from it.) Brita filters are an example of the “A” technology although a few of their products do some “D” filtering as well. Many popular filters only do “A” filtration because they are only concerned with what you can smell and taste.
B: Biologics
This has to do with viruses and pathogens that live in water. These types of contaminants are the reason we don’t drink directly from streams. Most Americans do not need a “B” filter because chlorine is doing this job for us already. These filters are critical in the developing world.
C: Chemicals
We live in a culture that relies heavily on commercial agriculture and industry. Strong “C” filters may reduce or remove everything from nitrates to disinfectant by-products like trihalomethanes and pharmaceuticals. This category is almost limitless in its breadth and consequently few filters make claims or have lab reports for the entire category. Nevertheless, there are a number of technologies that do an excellent job in this area.
D: Dissolved Solids
This category is mostly focused on what happens in the pipes on the way to your faucet. Many water companies send water out that is free of dissolved solids, but pipes are often joined with lead or copper which can leach heavy metals into water.
E: Energy
The A,B,C and D categories of water filtration have to do with physically adding or removing contaminants and minerals in water. The E category approaches it from a different perspective.
We live in a universe where everything is energy. “E” water treatment systems neutralize all toxins energetically. While this is challenging for many people to wrap their minds around, it is satisfying in that it satisfies all concerns from one perspective.
Quantum Physics reveals that everything is energy and water is no exception. Perhaps it is because water is ubiquitous that we resist changes in water science. Recent discoveries are illuminating how little we really know about water.
Consider the following formula recently offered by the renowned researcher, Dr. Gerald Pollack from the University of Washington Bioengineering Department:

Dr. Pollack has clearly demonstrated that there is a fourth phase of water beyond the solid, liquid and gas that most people think of. This fourth phase of water is called Exclusion Zone (EZ) water. EZ water has a negative charge and acts much like a battery. It absorbs radiant energy and stores it for later use.
While it may be intimidating for some to consider that even the fluoride, chlorine, pharmaceuticals, or other toxins can be neutralized energetically there are numerous advantages to understanding life from an energetic perspective. There is more on this topic coming up in the days ahead.
What about using an E filter as an A filter or a B filter?
An E filter serves as an A filter for many people as it removes chlorine and improves taste. As a gas, chlorine is lighter than water and it is also heavier than air. It will rise to the surface of your water when it is structured which means you may smell it. To get rid of chlorine, blow on the surface of your water or just wait a few minutes and it will go away.
With that said, an E filter is not an A filter for everyone as people have very different taste preferences. Our experience is that about 50% of people notice a significant improvement in taste when they add an E filter while about 5% don’t notice any change. The rest seem to be neutral on the topic. If you are in the group that prefers to add a traditional filter to impact taste, our advice is to stick with the Structured Water for a month and then if the issue persists send us an email support@thewellnessenterprise.com and we will send back our recommendation for traditional filters.
An E filter may also serve as a B filter for some people. We have read testimonials and know of people who have travelled abroad and used an E filter to drink water known to contain viruses and bacteria. Even though we believe this to be true, our caution is to be aware that the consequences of a B filter that fails can be life threatening. With that said, we remind you to ask water, yourself and spirit if it is safe for you to drink Structured Water in foreign lands and to follow your knowing. Some people have done it safely while others have not, so be sure to take the best precautions for yourself.
If you are already confident about the water you drink, Congratulations! You have one of the keys to hydration in place. If not, you may want to consider the information above as you discern what would it take for you to have a source of drinking water that gave you great confidence.