What are minerals?
Minerals are crystals that bond with water molecules to deliver energy and information to your cells, so your cells can repair themselves. In essence, minerals create naturally alkaline water, water that has a higher pH level. pH stands for the “power of hydrogen” or hydrogen ion concentration of a solution. Alkalinity allows water to act as a buffer to keep pH stable. Alkaline water has been linked with slower aging and prevention of chronic diseases. So having naturally alkaline water, that’s mineralized, makes a lot of sense as a proactive strategy to maintain health.
According to Dr. Ben Edwards, of Veritas Medical Group, minerals are the most important part in the cellular regeneration process. If a cell can’t make energy and clear out debris, that will inevitably lead to inflammation. And chronic inflammation has been linked to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alheimer’s, depression and other serious medical problems.
Two time Nobel laureate, Dr. Linus Pauling said: “You could trace every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” Yet minerals are one of the most overlooked aspects in terms of nutrition and maintaining a healthy, disease free body. Your body needs at least 60 different minerals to function properly. And, your body can use minerals without vitamins but vitamins and other nutrients are useless without minerals.
What do minerals do?
When mineral deposits from your diet and water aren’t sufficient, your body will make withdrawals from your teeth and bones which serve as a “mineral bank.” If you’re not making sure you’re remineralizing, at some point, that becomes like paying off the minimum amount on a credit card every month. You’re never going to catch up and get back to a healthy baseline.
Given that our food supply has become so industrialized by GMO’s and depleted of minerals and nutrients by glyphosate, it’s no wonder so many people suffer from fatigue, depression and other chronic illnesses. When you add water that has been stripped of essential minerals to the equation, you end up with food and water can’t transfer the proper cellular energy signaling that you need.
Here are some examples of what essential minerals do:
- Potassium generates your nerves and signals your body to move. The muscles in your heart, organs and your body can contract and flex because of potassium.
- Zinc supports a strong immune system, defends against infections, heal wounds and repairs cells.
- Calcium, the most abundant mineral in the human body, keeps your bones strong and dense.
- Iron allows oxygen to attach to blood cells. Failing to get enough iron leads to anemia and creates weakness and fatigue.
How Minerals Enhance Your Hydration
Water is the vehicle that carries minerals to your cells. Once the minerals are delivered, the easier the minerals can penetrate your cells, the better off you’ll be. One of the things we know is that structured water, H3O2, helps your cells absorb minerals. Dr. Gerald Pollack of Washington State University identified what’s called “the fourth phase of water.” Beyond solid, liquid and vapor, there’s a state of water that’s found inside the human body and in fruits and vegetables. H3O2 has two more hydrogen molecules than regular water. Consequently H3O2 is more energized and the structure of the water molecules allows it to be utilized more efficiently by our bodies. Structured water is water that is in it’s naturally alkaline state.
Should You Add Minerals to Your Water?
The short answer is probably “yes” for most people. Unless you have an exceptionally good diet and a pure, consistent water source, you would most likely benefit from having more minerals.
Essential minerals are separated into two groups: major minerals and trace minerals. We don’t manufacture minerals in our bodies, we get minerals from our food. The minerals come from rocks, soil and water. As plants grow, they absorb the minerals, and when animals eat plants, they absorb the minerals from the plants. Our depleted soils, and over-burdened water systems are rarely a reliable source of minerals.
Minerals can be ingested as supplements, but remineralizing water can be a less expensive, easier way to get more minerals. You can add mineral drops to your water, or invest in systems that remineralize water in your home chemically and physically or do both.
So What Should You Do With all this Information?
At The Wellness Enterprise we’ve discovered that there’s no “one size fits all” answer for what everyone needs. We’re all unique and are in different stages of our health and spiritual journeys. However, we have concluded that there are three essential components to optimal hydration: Filtration, Mineralization and Structuring. So we offer customizable systems to meet all of your hydration needs.
In terms of mineralization, we offer many different, economical devices and systems for your home and garden to activate and energize your water. In addition, we offer mineral drops that you can add to your water. Should you do one or the other? According to Dr. Edwards, “you can’t get enough minerals.” So why not do both?