Using gemstones in water is an ancient holistic health modality based on the idea that the healing properties of gemstones are absorbed via water. Gem water advocates believe that gems enhance water, restoring water to a more natural, pure state. As a result, of the gem enhancement, you’ll have improved vitality and overall well-being of the mind, body and spirit. Putting one or more gemstones in water to create energy for a certain healing outcome is known as a gem elixir or crystal elixir.
There are two common methods used to make gem water. You can place crystals directly in water to energize it. Or, you can place gems into an enclosed glass container and put that into your drinking glass or bottle.

Regardless of the method you choose, it’s not as simple as dunking your favorite crystal into a cup of water. Certain gemstones are toxic when they come in contact with water. To reap the benefits of gems and stay safe, there are certain crystals you must steer clear of if you are going to create your own gem elixir.
VitaJuwel gem water bottles and decanters combine the best of both worlds in terms of getting the benefits of gemstone energy.
The energy of the crystals is diffused through glass. The gemstones never come in contact with the water, therefore you’re never putting yourself at risk. In addition, the gem pod remains stationary in the ViA gem water bottle, so you won’t have any gemstones or some kind of gem holder moving around in your glass or bottle or hitting your teeth.
If you do make your own gem water, here are some things to be aware of.
Toxic Gem List
Here is a list of the most common toxic gems to put on your “no” list for adding water. It is not a comprehensive list.
The gems on this list are considered toxic because they contain one or more of the following combinations that are harmful to the body: aluminum, copper, asbestos, zinc, mercury, or lead. Or they are considered poisonous or radioactive. All the gemstones with an asterisk (*) are some of the more common ones you may find in metaphysical or jewelry stores. Make sure you do your homework before making your own gem water.

Actinolite, Adamite, Ajoite, Alexandrite, Amazonite, Atacamite, *Aquamarine, Aurichalcite, Azurite, Bixbite, *Black Tourmaline, *Boji-stones, Brochantite, Cavansite, *Celestite, Chalcanthite, Chalcopyrite (peacock stone), Chrysocolla, Cinnabar, Conichalcite, *Copper, Covellite, Cuprite, Dioptase, Dumortierite, *Emerald, *Fluorite, *Garnet (Spessartine, Almandine, Uvarovite, Rhodolite,Hessonite), Gem Silica, Galena, Garnierite (aka Falcondoite), Goshenite, Heliodor, *Hematite, Iolite, Kunzite, Labradorite, *Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Magnetite, *Malachite, Marcasite, Mohawkite, *Moldavite, *Moonstone, *Morganite,Pietersite, Prehnite,Psilomelan,*Pyrite, Realgar, *Ruby, *Sapphire, *Selenite (can get flaky and may break off in water), *Serpentine, Smithsonite, *Sodalite, Spinel, Spodumene (aka Kunzite), Staurolite, Stibnite, Stilbite, Sugilite, Sulfur, *Sunstone, *Tanzanite, *Tiger Eye, *Topaz, Torbernite, *Tourmaline,Tremolite, *Turquoise,Vanadinite, Variscite, Vesuvianite, Wavellite, Wulfenite, Zircon, Zoisite
Please note, it is possible other gems may be toxic as well.
In addition, artificially irradiated (enhanced) gemstones can be radioactive. Avoid
artificially dark (almost black) smokey quartz, very deep pink or red tourmaline, colored diamonds, deeply colored kunzite and some cultured pearls. If you are at all unsure about the way a gem has been treated or if it is toxic don’t use it in water.
The Bottom Line
Although there are a lot of gems on that list to avoid, there are many other gems that are safe to use. If you do plan to take a risk and make your own gemwater, bookmark this article so that you can refer to the “no” list the next time you’re at the gemstore. Gems that are toxic in water can be used in other ways such as in a daily meditation or on your windowsill as a beautiful decoration.
VitaJuwel Gem Pods and Gem Vials are the safest way to use crystals in water. The gems that are used in VitaJuwel products are the highest therapeutic grade and are encased in glass. The Gem Pods and Gem Vials keep the gems bright and shiny for life. They act as a natural prism for the radiant energy of the crystals which vitalize the water energetically without coming into direct physical contact with the water. You get the ultimate benefits of the gemstone energy without the potential risk of direct exposure of the gemstones to the water. In addition, you can be confident that VitaJuwel gems aren’t artificially treated to enhance their color creating additional health risks.