Part 1: Why Hydration is Essential
Hydration is way more important and urgent than we thought
Hydration does four essential tasks:

Keeps us moist

Fuels us up

Conducts information cell-to-cell

Washes out waste
What Hydration Does: It’s Your Fuel, and So Much More
- Hydration doesn’t just keep you moist, it actually gives you energy. Water is really your fuel. So of course you feel tired if you are not getting enough, or in pain, if you don’t have enough healing fuel. But the big news is that frontier science shows us that water doesn’t just produce energy….
- Water actually instructs all your cells what to do and when to do it in synchrony. It does this by electrical signalling, just like digital information. Everyone knows water conducts electricity, and that is happening inside of us as well. Water carries information. Water organizes information. Water sequences information.
- Now that’s why hydration is an urgent need.
- It works from the inside out to overcome fatigue and lack of focus, gives you easy fluid movement, helps digest your food, and washes away waste and contaminants in your system.
- Water is the universal solvent; it’s able to take apart or put together any molecule.
The Problem: Being exposed to our current modern environment and conditions, we are more dehydrated than ever before.
- Why? The causes and consequences of dehydration are now everywhere, and unavoidable. More clinicians every day are saying ALL of us are dehydrated.
- Are 100% of us dehydrated? Dr. Zach Bush, whose medical research has led him to focus on the functions of water, thinks so. He is a triple board certified physician specializing in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism. The breadth of his respected medical research has linked previously unconnected issues, such as gut health, soil health, Altzheimers, autism, and a host of chronic conditions. Hear Dr. Zach Bush present evidence for the new dehydration epidemic:
You’ve Been Living in a Desert and Didn't Know It
Our modern lifestyle and environment are dehydrating us on a daily basis.
We are all dehydrated:

By what we drink and eat
- Stale tap and stagnant bottled water.
- Dry processed and packaged foods.
- Too many lattes, coffees, and teas.
- Alcohol, sodas, sugar-laden juices, and even energy drinks.
- Medications, whether prescribed or OTC

By our immobility, when we:
- Sit all day in dried out rooms
- Commute to jobs
- Travel frequently by airplane
- And wind up home at night parked in front of screens

And by our current environment, where we:
- Constantly use cell phones, computers and all of our electronic devices and appliances
- Stay inside in environments with air conditioning and heating
- Spend most of our day with indoor lighting with no or limited natural sunlight
All of these things, throughout our day, add up and evaporate the water within us. Dehydration literally withers and shrinks us, reducing each cell’s buoyancy and lifespan.
Dehydration Results in Many Seemingly Unrelated Conditions: The Epidemic Behind the Epidemics
- The effects of being dehydrated are profound, from brain fog and irritability all the way to memory loss and alzheimer’s, from insulin swings and afternoon fatigue to metabolic syndrome. We just live a less buoyant, shortened life.
- We all are watching the staggering rise in chronic illness, autism, concussions, athletic injuries, restlessness, sleeplessness, full-on insomnia, depression, blood disorders, anxiety, infertility, dry skin, dull hair, bone brittleness, achy joints, shortened attention spans and life spans. All these conditions have dehydration in common.
- Surely you’ve felt lack of focus and increased fatigue, the joyless grind, along with the rest of us. And are you carrying extra pounds? That’s dehydration’s fault.
Research says dehydration is the link to many, if not most, ailments. Dehydration contributes to a whole host of complaints, including:
- Headaches and migraines
- Foggy thinking and lack of focus
- Weakness and fatigue
- Sleeplessness
- Constipation
- Decreased immunity
- Acid reflux
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Dementia, including Alzheimer’s
So, hydration doesn’t just keep you moist, it actually gives you energy you need for thinking, feeling and healing.
Everyone knows water conducts electricity, and that is true inside of us as well. It overcomes fatigue and lack of focus, gives you fluid easy movement and washes away all waste and contaminants in your system. Proper hydration is preventive care.
Hydration Really is Your Upstream Solution
Dr. Thomas Cowan is a paradigm-shifting MD, asking simple why and how questions to unlock how health and healing really work. Listen to what he has to say about how energy is vital to our health.
Part 2: How To Hydrate
Real Hydration Basics: Eat, Drink and Move!
Filtered Water Isn’t Enough
- Water Filters? Many people use filters for their water, and depending on your local water supply, you may in fact find them necessary due to unpleasant tap water taste and toxin levels.
- It is essential to know filters don’t do anything to create an electrical charge in water.

Drink a Better Kind of Water, and It's Not 8 Glasses a Day
- Traditional thinking says 8 glasses a day or half our body weight in ounces is the only way to hydrate, but with 100% of us now dehydrated at some point during our day, clearly there needs to be a better way.
- When it comes to drinking enough water, we have new science to say quantity is not quality.
- Drinking too much water will not only send you to the bathroom all day and night, but even more importantly it will flush out vital nutrients and mineral electrolytes, which are the very elements responsible for making electrical charge in water.
- Electrical charge is found in nature’s water in mountain springs and streams. Water needs motion to create its energy and its cleansing power. Electrical charge determines quality water.
Electrical Charge Determines the Quality of Water
- Water from bottles and tap has very little electric charge. Electrical charge is lost through delivering water through pipes and in bottles, by pollution, chemically washing and processing. No matter how much you drink, without charge it is much harder for you to be hydrated.
- So Drink a Better Kind of Water. There is a kind of water we find in nature – it is the water in streams and springs, in fruits and vegetables, and in our cells. It was recently “identified” as structured water with the molecular structure of H3O2.
- Recent science has emerged from the culmination of over 30 years of experiments and research from the University of Washington laboratory of Dr Gerald Pollack, PhD, our leading expert on structured water.
- Documented by Dr. Pollack, structured water has vitally important differences from plain tap or bottled water. “What we found we refer to as the fourth phase of water, beyond solid, liquid and vapor. It is not H20, it is actually H302. At this phase, water is potential energy, just like a battery of water.”
- Dr. Pollack found that H3O2 is 10% denser and has more oxygen than regular tap or bottled H2O. Perhaps the most surprising difference is that while H2O has little to no charge, structured water has an electrical charge.
- This is how water forms a battery and begins producing and storing energy inside us. This is the very energy needed to move, think, heal, and repair.
- Structured water is our fuel for healing. We need it for our hydration, energy and vitality. It is actually the kind of water found in our bodies, inside our cells.
Because of the energy in structured water, you can drink less water and be better hydrated
Depending upon your dietary needs, there are several simple options to add energizing minerals to your water.
- Add Himalayan or sea salt: a generous pinch in your water glass will not taste salty, but rather silky, and make your water have more electrical charge. Also, regardless of the type of water you drink, a recent study has found that putting just a pinch of sea or rock salt can get you better hydrated right off the bat.
- Surprisingly, with that pinch of salt, you have just made a diluted form of saline, the very thing hospitals use to rehydrate critical patients; this habit may help spare you that hospital visit.
- A squeeze of lemon juice or a capful of apple cider vinegar in your glass of water also add minerals necessary for optimal health.
Turning Tap Water into Nature’s Water for Optimal Hydration
- You can also create structured water out of tap and bottled water with a structured water device. The technologies in these devices are based on simple gravity vortexing which provides the necessary motion for structuring, like water flowing down a mountain stream. The devices come in different models for various common uses, such as a whole house device for where you live (your garden will love structured water too!), and a portable device that you can take with you on the go to restaurants, cafes, and when you travel.

Immediate Action
Put a pinch of sea salt in your water to get you on the road to hydration, it’s a good start! If you are on a low sodium diet, consider mineral supplements such as mineralizing electrolyte drops.
Further Action
Use energizing structured water devices from our Structured Water Superstore to make your tap water charged, to use at your sink, in your shower, baths, gardens, pools and for your pets.
Hydration Also Comes From What You Eat and Moving Your Body
- Hydration is NOT just Drinking; it includes consuming the charged water inside foods. Did you know, electrical charge is also found in the water in food?
- Eating lots of fresh veggies and fruit will also help you absorb hydration instead of trying to get all you need from water alone.
- Veggies are the highest and best form of hydration because they carry the most minerals, which play a vital role in real hydration.
- Minerals also help turn water molecules into batteries to energize our metabolism, and the water inside fresh produce is already in a structured state
- Let’s listen to Dr. Zach Bush (1:22 min) on the importance of hydration bringing vital life energy from soil, to plants, to our food:
Immediate Action
Add a side of veggies to every meal you have, including your breakfast smoothie!
Further Action
See our recipe section for hydrating foods. You can also drink lots of smoothies and eat home made soups, salads, as well as fats, like those from olive oil, nuts, fatty fish, and free-range eggs, and if you eat red meat, buy grass-fed meat.
Let’s follow the electrical charge; electrical charge is also generated by moving.
- Remember, water requires movement to stay energized. Even inside our bodies, water needs to move to have its potent cleansing and healing effect. How much we move has far more impact on our hydration than we previously thought.
- The human body is a hydraulic pump system and squeezing, twisting and contracting all deliver hydration more deeply into our tissues, even fidgeting counts.
- Our spinal canal and joints are central to this hydraulic system as is fascia, our sponge-like connective tissue surrounding all our muscles found throughout our bodies, and surrounding all our muscles. Connective tissue or fascia is really a hidden irrigation system which also conducts cell-to-cell signaling.
- Listen to Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD, as she reveals key information on fascia. She is a board certified OB/GYN and recognized longevity expert. She tells us what we need to do to get that water where it’s going to help your fascia: (1:58 min)
- By movement, we are also suggesting that you to move out into the sun and nature. Both have profound synergistic effects on our cellular water: sunlight actually increases structured water within us, and walking barefoot on nature’s earth is a way to draw electrical charge from the Earth itself, the largest electrical source after the sun.
Immediate Action
Watch how fascia works inside you. This video is a beautiful view of our body at work. See these few seconds (0:25) of wonder to know what we mean by movement hydrates hydraulically. You’ll see how water gets delivered. Here is the View of the Living Fascia by Dr. Jean-Claude Guimberteau, our leading expert on fascia:
Now that you know how important hydration is, consider the following resources

Hydration Foundation Guide: How To Eat:

Hydration Foundation Guide: How To Drink:

Hydration Foundation Guide: How To Move: