Which Structured Water Unit is Best for Me?
Many of the Structured Water Units manufactured by Natural Action Technologies are now being discontinued and customers are asking us about alternatives and advice on which device is the best for them. We’re so excited to be able to offer the first Certified Structured Water devices in the market: The Aqua Energizer. And here you’ll find the 2022 Ultimate guide for choosing the best structured water unit for you.
The Wellness Enterprise is the exclusive distributor of these devices, hand-assembled with copper and exquisite quartz crystals. There are options for whole house structured water units, portable, under sink, shower and garden. AQUA ENERGIZERS are adaptable to any situation making it the most versatile and the most scientifically verified structured water devices in the world. But which one is best for you, based on your lifestyle, convenience, and budget? Let’s take a look.
Portable Structured Water Unit

No matter where you are, the Portable will serve you well as it transforms any source of potable water into the optimal source of energy and vitality for your body.
Whether you hold it up to a faucet, swirl it around to structure the water in your tub, or use it to fill your reusable container from a water fountain, the Portable is flexible enough to be used in every situation.
Experience has shown if your first purchase is a Whole House, Shower, or Sink Device you’ll end up buying a Portable too because once you are accustomed to Structured Water at home you won’t want to be without it when you go out.
- Key Strengths
Versatility, low price.
- Most Popular Uses
For everything. Drinking water, structuring a bath, pool or hot tub, watering plants, washing produce, cooking, travelling etc.
- Most Likely to Purchase
Everyone who drinks Structured Water.
- Unlikely to Purchase
There is no good answer for this one. We can’t imagine living without it.
- Surprising Fact
We took a suitcase full of them through airport security once. They had no problem with the devices and even wanted a demonstration.
Shower Structured Water Unit

The Shower Structured Water Unit has a couple of other potential uses besides the obvious. For starters, when installing, consider showering without your shower head for a week to see if you prefer the heavy and direct stream of Water. You can always add the showerhead back anytime. Some like to fill their drinking containers directly from the shower. This is best done without a showerhead.
- Key Strengths
Provides bathing and drinking water for those focused on meeting both needs with one device.
- Most Popular Uses
Showering. Some people also fill their drinking containers from it.
- Most Likely to Purchase
Those renting or living in condos (not purchasing a Whole House Device) desiring the benefits of bathing in Structured Water.
- Unlikely to Purchase
Those with a Whole House Device, those who only take baths, and those with shower head hoses that prevent access to the water pipe.
- Surprising Fact
It feels so good to shower in Structured Water that many customers tell us they don’t get out until the hot water runs out.
Under Sink Structured Water Unit

It is a wonderful feeling to turn on the faucet and have Structured Water come pouring out. Structured water units for the sink make it easy to soak all of your fruit and vegetables extending peak freshness and shelf life. Cooking with Structured Water adds flavour to soups and stews as well as enhancing your favourite beverage such as tea or coffee.
- Key Strengths
Unlimited amounts of Structured Water pouring from any faucet. (Convenience.)
- Most Popular Uses
Everything you use Water for in the kitchen, bathroom or office.
- Most Likely to Purchase
Those who don’t buy a Whole House Device and want the convenience of Structured Water flowing from the device.
- Unlikely to Purchase
Those with a Whole House Device or those who choose to save money by using the handheld Portable.
- Surprising Fact
Patrick’s first “plumbing” project was installing one of these. If he can do it, you can do it.
Garden Structured Water Unit

Do you have an outdoor hose and want to see the magic of Structured Water in your produce? If yes, then the structured water unit for the garden is the one for you. These are unnecessary if you have a Whole House Device and for everyone else they are a dream come true. You’ll love your garden even more as it produces abundantly.
- Key Strengths
Nature doesn’t require convincing. When you give Structured Water to your plants they’ll thrive and you’ll be amazed.
- Most Popular Uses
Gardens and outdoor watering.
- Most Likely to Purchase
Those without a Whole House Device who use water outside.
- Unlikely to Purchase
Those who have a Whole House Device or little outdoor water usage.
- Surprising Fact
Patrick’s corn was three feet taller than a local farm when he began gardening with Structured Water.
Whole House Structured Water Unit

Whole House Devices create an energy field in and around your home. They impact everything. The people, plants, land, animals and even appliances will all benefit from the harmonious energy emanating from your Whole House Device. When you have the Whole House you’ll be bathing in the Energy of Creation at all times. With a Whole House Device there is no need for a Shower, Sink or Garden Device. For homes larger than 4000 square feet a second device may be advisable.
- Key Strengths
You’ll save money as you extend the life of your appliances, your produce and yourself by investing in a Whole House Device.
- Most Popular Uses
All manner of Water usage for homeowners.
- Most Likely to Purchase
Homeowners who care about health, vitality, longevity and spiritual fulfillment.
- Unlikely to Purchase
Condo owners, those who plan on moving soon.
- Surprising Fact
It is easy to take a Whole House Device with you if you move.