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NANO SOMA Nutritional Immune System Support

(1 customer review)

The Most Important Nutrient You Have Never Heard About!

NANO SOMA (US patents.  8,722,0939,006,292 and 9,034,383 Metadichol®) is natural and safe immune system support for your body, helping it to restore its optimal biological functions.

The third-party lab tested NANO SOMA has demonstrated to be beneficial for: 

  • Fortifying natural defenses against bacteria, viruses, and fungi
  • Supporting healthy immunity
  • Enhancing the body’s Vitamin C levels
  • Helping to reduce inflammation
  • Supporting normal healing
  • Supporting healthy lipid metabolism and cardiovascular health
  • Improving energy levels


NANO SOMA comes in 3 packs, 12 packs and multiples of 12. The more you buy, the more you save. Please read the NANO SOMA Usage Protocol before selecting your quantity. We highly recommend purchasing a minimum of a 3 pack to give yourself the best opportunity to experience the benefits of NANO SOMA. 

Nano Soma Sale:
Quantity Discounts + Free Shipping

3 pack: $154 —> Save $17
6 pack: $308 —> Save $34
9 Pack: $462 —> Save $51 
12 Pack: $582 —> Save $102 
24 Pack: $958 —> Save $410
60 Pack: $2052 —> Save $1368 (USA Deliveries Only)

Please note due to surging global demand, this product has frequently been out of stock. It has a shelf life of 3 years. We recommend purchasing 6, 9, or 12 at a time to ensure you have your own supply on hand. 

Free shipping on US domestic orders over $75 and international orders of $250 or more. 

AUSTRALIAN CUSTOMERS ONLY: Please note with free shipping and other charges made by The Wellness Enterprise, the maximum discount that can be given for orders delivered in Australia is for the 12 Pack. Orders for larger amounts may still be placed and the price will be adjusted to a discount no more than the discount on the 12 pack.

All the statements on have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. NANO SOMA products are dietary supplements, not drugs, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Testimonials, statements, and opinions presented on our website are applicable to the individuals depicted. Results will vary and may not be representative of the experience of others. Information and statements made are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. If you have a medical condition or health concern, see your healthcare provider.



NANO SOMA (US patents 8,722,0939,006,292 and 9,034,383 Metadichol®) is a nanoemulsion of long-chain alcohols found in many foods.

Metadichol NANO SOMA spray is a natural, non-toxic food product that has no known side effects. It is manufactured using nano-technology in an FDA-approved facility in Switzerland. All its ingredients are classified by the US FDA as a GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) product.

It is commonly called policosanol and is present in foods such as rice, sugar cane, wheat, and peanuts.

The holy grail of immune system support, our patented spray formula improves energy and strengthens the immune system.* This plant-based, five-ingredient emulsion containing nano policosanol delivers a safe, revolutionary method of helping the body restore key biological functions.*

NANO SOMA adapts to the body with consistent supplementation. Take five sprays daily in your mouth or as directed. For non-everyday users, spray at first sign of feeling depleted or unwell.*

  • Support healthy immunity*
  • Enhances the body’s Vitamin C levels*
  • Helps to reduce inflammation*
  • Fortify natural defenses against bacteria, viruses, and fungi*
  • Supports normal healing*
  • Support healthy lipid metabolism and cardiovascular health*
  • Improve energy levels*

Click on this link to read some of the user testimonials gathered from around the world.

For more information, click here.

*The statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. NANO SOMA products are dietary supplements, not drugs, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Testimonials, statements, and opinions presented on our website are applicable to the individuals depicted. Results will vary and may not be representative of the experience of others. Information and statements made are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. If you have a medical condition or health concern, see your healthcare provider.

NANO SOMA Usage Protocol

The following guidelines only apply in those countries where NANO SOMA can be used both orally and topically. In those countries where local regulations prevent its use for either oral or topical use, please abide by the local usage regulations for your country. Further, the Nano-Gel and the Nano-Cream are not available in all countries. NANO SOMA has registered brand names for Metadichol®. Other names may be used in other markets.

NANO SOMA® Spray Usage Protocol:

  • For health maintenance, use 5 sprays in your mouth once/day. 
  • If you are taking prescription medications, the likelihood of a healing crisis (see description below) when you begin to use NANO SOMA is much greater. In this case, we recommend you begin with one spray/day, gradually building up to 5 sprays/day.
  • For assistance with an existing health condition, use 5 sprays once/day for the first week, then use one bottle in the second week (5 sprays, 4 times/day), a second bottle over the next two weeks (5 sprays twice/day) and a third bottle over the next 4 weeks (5 sprays once/day); i.e., normal health maintenance usage. 
  • Note: Nano Soma can taste bitter and occasionally soapy and other flavors when you begin using it, and this is a sign that your body is out of balance. With time, the bitter taste for most subsides.

For skin problems and open wounds, spray directly on the affected area at least twice/day or apply NANO SOMA® Nano-Gel. For facial skin problems and age spots, spray directly on the affected area at least twice/day or apply NANO SOMA® Nano-Cream.

For eye or ear issues you may wish to pour some Nano Soma into a squeeze eye dropper bottle and put a drop in each eye, ear or nostril once or twice a day. It stings briefly in the eye but is quite safe. People report benefits with cataracts, glaucoma and tinnitus.

For the nose, we suggest purchasing an inexpensive empty nasal spray, or empty out its contents if it contains another product and rinse it out, then fill it with NANO SOMA. Spraying NANO SOMA in your nose helps to clear out the resident bacteria and viruses.

Healing Crisis or Reaction:

NANO SOMA® is made from all natural, food-based ingredients and has no known side effects. Some users (most do not) may experience a healing crisis, which can happen when natural health remedies work. This passes in a day or two. The signs and symptoms of a healing crisis are often identical to the illness itself. For example, cough, fever, pain, rashes and itchiness are all possible healing reactions. Sometimes, the illness may get worse during the detoxification period before it gets better. Just drink lots of water, take plenty of rest, eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat, do some exercise daily to sweat it out, get some daily sun exposure and keep using Metadichol®.

These products have not been evaluated by US FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This website is not providing medical advice, nor are any companies supplying NANO SOMA or other brands of Metadichol® or their associates or directors medical doctors. For medical advice and if symptoms persist, please consult your health professional.



Serving size:  5 sprays in mouth once a day
Water 98.07%
Policosanol  0.25%
Sucrose Monolaurate 0.24%
Vitamin E TPGS 1.00%
Potassium Sorbate 0.25%
Citric Acid 0.19%
                                                This is for the 2.5mg/ml product.


These products have not been evaluated by US FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This website is not providing medical advice, nor are any companies supplying NANO SOMA or other brands of Metadichol® or their associates or directors medical doctors. For medical advice and if symptoms persist, please consult your health professional.


NANO SOMA has been independently extensively tested and verified:

Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy:

The Quest for Immortality: Introducing Metadichol® a Novel Telomerase Activator

Biology and Medicine:

Metadichol® A Novel Inverse Agonist of Thyroid Receptor and its Applications in Thyroid Diseases

Journal of Cytokine Biology:

A Multi Gene Targeting Approach to Treating Liver Diseases with Metadichol®

Journal of Aging Science:

Improving Longevity with Metadichol® by Inhibiting the BCAT1 Gene

Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy:

Metadichol®: A Novel Agonist of the Anti-Aging Klotho Gene in Cancer Cell Lines

Metadichol®: A Novel Inverse Agonist of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AHR) and NRF2 Inhibitor

Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy:

Metadichol®, CD33 Expression in Umbilical Cord Cells

Pediatric Infectious Diseases:

Inhibition of Viruses by Metadichol®: A Novel Nano Emulsion Lipid 

Journal of The Science of Healing Outcomes:

Inhibition of Dengue and Other Enveloped Viruses by Metadichol®: A Novel Nano Emulsion Lipid 

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Research:

Metadichol®: A Novel ROR Gamma Inverse Agonist and Its Applications in Psoriasis

Journal of Arthritis:

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoporosis: A Case Study

Vitamins & Minerals:

Metadichol® and Vitamin C Increase In Vivo, an Open-Label Study

These products have not been evaluated by US FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This website is not providing medical advice, nor are any companies supplying NANO SOMA or other brands of Metadichol® or their associates or directors medical doctors. For medical advice and if symptoms persist, please consult your health professional.

Differences between the NANO SOMA/METASOMER products

The common ingredient in all of them is Metadichol. It is the “secret sauce” that makes them what they are.

If I am using the Metasomer Topical Gel and/or the Metasomer Telomerase Natural Skin Cream, do I still need to use the NANO SOMA nutritional spray?

We recommend that you treat the NANO SOMA nutritional spray as the foundational product (5 sprays once/day, more if needed) and add the others to it. In this way, the NANO SOMA nutritional spray is providing a foundation on which the others rest.

When should I use the Metasomer Topical Gel?

You should use the Metasomer Topical Gel when you have a skin condition such as psoriasis, acne, eczema, a cut, wound, or burn or any dermal issue that you want to see your body heal, for joint pain relief and joint healing, and so on. And it is perfectly safe to put in any orifice in your body. It has exactly the same efficacy as the NANO SOMA spray.

Note: the NANO SOMA/METASOMER products do not treat, heal or cure anything. They simply trigger the body to take care of itself in ways we never imagined were possible.

When should I use the Metasomer Telomerase Natural Skin Cream?

The Metasomer Telomerase Natural Skin Cream is a beautiful, natural facial cream. Its focus is on nourishing your face and triggering a more youthful and healthy condition. Because it triggers the production of Vitamin C in the cells in and under your skin, it triggers the production of collagen naturally, helping to remove fine line detail quite rapidly and promoting long-term reversal of the aging of your face.

So, each product has its place. And please. If you are looking to trigger your body to heal itself, do not use less of the NANO SOMA nutritional spray than is recommended.

How Nano Soma Naturally Boosts Your Vitamin C Levels


What is Nano Soma?

NANO SOMA is a nanoemulsion of policosanols in liquid formulation. It has a particle size of less than 60nm.

When Is The Best Time To Take Nano Soma? Should It Be Taken With Food Or Water?

NANO SOMA can be taken at anytime of the day and with or without food and water.

Is It Ok To Take Nano Soma With Prescription Drugs Or Blood Thinner?

There are no known interactions between NANO SOMA and prescription medications.

Is It Safe To Take Nano Soma During Pregnancy?

Yes, NANO SOMA is safe for pregnant women but talk to your physician.

What Is The Recommended Daily Dosage?

The recommended daily dosage for health maintenance is 5 sprays once/day.

What Are The Ingredients In Nano Soma?

The primary ingredients in NANO SOMA are Policosanol from rice wax, vitamin E, and water.

Is It Ok To Take Nano Soma If I Have Food Allergy (Peanuts, Shellfish, Sesame, Etc.)?

NANO SOMA has no known allergic reactions but talk to your physician.

Is Nano Soma Safe For Children And Infants?

Yes, NANO SOMA is safe for children and infants.

What Are The Side Effects Of Nano Soma?

NANO SOMA is made from all natural food-based ingredients and has no known side effects.

Does NANO SOMA have a taste?

NANO SOMA can taste bitter and occasionally soapy (or other “flavours”) when you begin using it, and this is a sign that your body is out of balance. After you’ve used it for a while, it is tasteless. DO NOT TAKE A TASTE TO BE ABOUT THE PRODUCT!! Some do… The taste is telling you that you have some healing to do.

What is the shelf life of Nano Soma? 

3 years.

These products have not been evaluated by US FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This website is not providing medical advice, nor are any companies supplying NANO SOMA or other brands of Metadichol® or their associates or directors medical doctors. For medical advice and if symptoms persist, please consult your health professional.


Warranty and Returns


It is our responsibility to make sure the product gets to you in new condition and we are shipping glass bottles so there are likely to be issues from time to time. If a bottle is broken or leaking, please send photos so we can understand what happened.

We will then come up with a solution together. If only a portion of your order is compromised we ask that you do all you can to help us keep our costs low while making things right. An example of this is that you would allow us to give you a discount equivalent to the damage that could be used on a future order. Shipping can be quite expensive and it is always better to spread the cost to multiple bottles rather than just one.


Nano Soma products are food based products with a 3 year shelf life and no performance claims. As such we don’t have a return policy per se. However, we practice Sacred Commerce and we are willing to have a dialogue with you if unusual circumstances come up and do what is necessary to make things right. Please be mindful in requesting a return of the pricing and free shipping we have offered you when you purchased the product. We are in this together.


Read below for NANO SOMA testimonials:

Also, these testimonials can now be found in French, Italian, Spanish and German at

These products have not been evaluated by US FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This website is not providing medical advice, nor are any companies supplying NANO SOMA, or other brands of Metadichol® or their associates or directors medical doctors. For medical advice and if symptoms persist, please consult your health professional.

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  1. 2 out of 2 people found this helpful

    Great Immune Support!

    Jennifer (verified owner)

    Since I started taking Nano Soma 4 months ago, I have not been sick at all. My immune system feels so strong. I haven’t gone this long without a cold in I can’t remember how long.

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