We stand behind the Alexapure Pro Genuine Replacement Filter with an unprecedented return policy.
We offer a 30-day, no-questions-asked return policy on all unopened products. After 30 days—or for opened products—we will review your return request on a case-by-case basis. Before attempting a return, please keep in mind that performance of filters may vary due to conditions of source water, water turbidity, and seasonal water conditions.
Our goal is to ensure you have a pleasant experience from start to finish!
*Capacity is determined under controlled laboratory conditions and established protocols. Your conditions may vary based on target contaminant and influent water quality.
WARRANTY: LIMITED LIABILITY: Alexapure, LLC makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, statutory, or otherwise, and expressly disclaims all warranties of every kind, concerning the product, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, except that this product should be capable of performing as described in this product’s data sheet. Alexapure’s obligation shall be limited solely to the refund of the purchase price or replacement of the product proven defective, in Alexapure’s sole discretion. Determination of suitability of this product for uses and applications contemplated by Buyer shall be the sole responsibility of Buyer. Use of this product constitutes Buyer’s acceptance of this Limited Liability.
Please be advised that, for returns of opened-box Alexapure Pros within the 30-day return window, a restocking fee of $75 may be incurred.
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